Question About Drug/alcohol Addiction?
Question by while_love_remains: Question about drug/alcohol addiction?
Hopefully there is someone with some knowledge about Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous here.. I’m trying to work the steps and there has been a nagging question in my head. If there is a recovering addict seeking the fellowship of… Continue reading
Whitney Houston Death “Teachable Moment,” Says WH Drug Czar
Whitney Houston death “teachable moment,” says WH drug czar — In the wake of pop singer Whitney Houston’s death Saturday, White House Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske spoke with CBS News’ Christine Delargy about substance abus…
More Whitney Houston Drug Addiction News Information…
Bloomington in Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches New Christian-Based Program – the Edwardsville Intelligencer
Bloomington IN Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches New Christian-Based Program – The Edwardsville Intelligencer
Bloomington IN Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches New Christian-Based Program The Edwardsville Intelligencer Bloomington IN Alcohol Drug Rehab is pleased to announce that a new Christian-based program is now available for adults and adolescents caught up in the… Continue reading |
NH HOMELESS DRAMA #1 — Dear Pastors and Community Leaders: I would like for you to be part of our homeless project, “There is Hope in Jesus Rehab Center” Together we can make a dif…
Related Drug Rehab Centers In Nh Information…
How Much Does Hep C Treatment (Such as Interferon and Ribavirin, ETC…) Cost Without Insurance?
Question by lindseyw: How much does Hep C treatment (such as Interferon and ribavirin, ETC…) cost without insurance?
Please only answer if you have experience or useful knowledge. Any info on good assistance programs and ideas for “in the mean time” supplements that would be beneficial (i know… Continue reading
Study to Understand Why YMSM Place Themselves at Risk for HIV Transmission
Study to understand why YMSM place themselves at risk for HIV transmission
… and Human Development, the Global Institute of Public Health, and NYU Langone Medical Center, will study this population in order to better understand the reasons for this increase under a five-year, $ 3.1 million grant from the… Continue reading
Rampant Drug Abuse Haunts Punjab’s Ruling Coalition
Rampant drug abuse haunts Punjab’s ruling coalition
Amritsar: Punjab has placed the Election Commission officials in a quandary following the recovery of drugs and narcotics on a daily basis. Unlike other states where political parties are accused of distributing money and alcohol as bribe to voters on poll …
drug… Continue reading
Recovering Heroin Addict Starting Over — at Age 21
Recovering heroin addict starting over — at age 21
In many ways, Cody Lewis represents the changing face of heroin in America. He is in 20s, lives in the suburbs and graduated to heroin after years of getting high with other drugs. Now clean for six months, Cody is fighting… Continue reading
Rehab After Work Drug Counseling | Paoli, PA (610) 644-6464
Rehab After Work Drug Counseling | Paoli, PA (610) 644-6464 — Individuals can seek individual therapy sessions at any time during treatment. Those seeking treatment are assigned a co…
Cajun Tort Travesty?
The particular award will certainly not stand, but may nonetheless be the beginning of “death by 1,000… Continue reading
Regarding Addiction/alcohlism, Heard of the Cure Book?
Question by dopray777: Regarding addiction/alcohlism, heard of the cure book?
There is a new book called the alcohol and addiction cure by Chris Prentiss. Does anyone know of it or have an opinion? The concepts seem reasonable but I don’t want to waste my time or money if… Continue reading