Synanon’s Sober Utopia: How a Drug Rehab Program Became a Violent Cult – Gizmodo

Synanon’s Sober Utopia: How a Drug Rehab Program Became a Violent Cult – Gizmodo

Synanon's Sober Utopia: How a Drug Rehab Program Became a Violent Cult
Dederich is credited with a lot of positive innovations early on in his career as a drug rehab guru. He focused on a marginalized group that most institutions wanted nothing to do with. He was said to have coined the phrase "Today is the first day of

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drug rehab – Google News

Cleveland OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Intervention Program for … – PR Web (press release)

Cleveland OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Intervention Program for
PR Web (press release)
Cleveland OH Alcohol Drug Rehab is pleased to announce that a new intervention program focused on drug addiction has been launched in Cleveland and for surrounding areas. Intervention causes a major disruption with people abusing drugs day after …

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drug rehab – Google News

Houston TX Alcohol Drug Rehab Introduces Intervention Program for Drug … – PR Web (press release)

Houston TX Alcohol Drug Rehab Introduces Intervention Program for Drug
PR Web (press release)
Houston, TX Alcohol Drug Rehab is happy to introduce a new intervention program as part of its structure for people dealing with drug addiction issues in Houston and surrounding towns. When a loved one is caught up in their drugs of choice, they do not

drug rehab – Google News

Panel studies options for Suffolk drug treatment facilities
The legislator said that due to limited space at existing treatment centers, people are often sent off Long Island and away from their families and support systems to places that have room for them. She said individuals should be able to find treatment …
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